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deBunk Church


Top 10 Reasons People {Think} They Don’t Want to Go to Church... 
  1. I don’t believe in organized religion. Christians don’t believe in "religion" either. Religion is a man-made set of rules created in an attempt to get you closer to a god. Christianity is about having a relationship with God, not through your actions, but through the personal connection you have been given through Jesus.  

  2. I have my own way of connecting with God. Yep, everyone does. However, God wants you to be in a church so you have a sense of community and can grow closer to Him with your neighbors.  

  3. Churches just want my money. The church isn’t interested in your money; they are interested in YOU. People give as their hearts are direct them, it's not a requirement. Once you know and love Jesus, you’ll probably want to freely give to the church to reach others. In fact, this website was paid for by people that cheerfully give money to reach you.  

  4. I don’t have to go to church to be a good person. Church isn’t about being “good,” it’s about being Christian. Many non-Christians are great people who give money to charities, volunteer their time and pay their taxes. But there is so much more to life than morality, there is a deeper level of fulfillment through knowing Christ.

  5. I’m too busy, and Sundays are my only time to rest. Church is the ideal place to rest. God gives us more rest and peace than anything you can do on your own. Give God an hour and you’ll be surprised how much more fulfilled and rested you’ll find yourself.

  6. Church is boring. Nope. It isn’t. The only way to find out is to go.  

  7. The people at church have known each other forever; I won’t fit in. Church was designed by God to bring all kinds of people together in the name of Jesus. You may not be exactly like the person sitting next to you, but everyone fits in just as they are. There’s always an open seat for you.  

  8. Christians are judgmental and hypocritical.  People are judgmental and hypocritical – even Christians sometimes. We aren’t perfect and we sometimes get stuff wrong. But true Christians work hard to emulate the unconditional love of Jesus. Side note: if you've ever been hurt or judged by a Christian, they were wrong and that was not the love Jesus has for you. We are deeply sorry. 

  9. I don’t think I’d be welcome – I’ve done some pretty bad stuff. Nobody is perfect, no one. Church isn’t even about being perfect. Don’t let your past define your future with Jesus. He knows right where you’re at and He’s waiting for you to meet Him and be loved.  

  10. I didn’t grow up in church so it’s too late to start now. People come to church at many places and times in their lives. Some grow up knowing God their whole lives and others find Him as an adult. You don’t have to worry about your “church knowledge” before you go. Church is a place to learn and everyone is welcome. There are no quizzes at the door.      


Doubts about going?

Still a little uneasy about going to church? It’s okay to be skeptical, lots of people are. Watch this short video about the “reasons people don’t attend church”.


Church-y Word Definitions

Sometimes all those church-y words can be confusing. They may make you feel overwhelmed by the Bible or even like someone is saying you’re a bad person.


If you’re studious and want to know more about church-y definitions, we hope this is helpful. If you prefer to learn at your own pace, there won’t be a quiz at the door. Come to church and learn as you go.  


Godhead or Trinity – A theological term that describes the three persons of the God; God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. 


Holy Spirit – The third person of the Holy Trinity, also called the Holy Ghost. Jesus promised his followers that he would send the Holy Spirit after his death and resurrection. The Holy Spirit is God that lives in us and guides our hearts.  


The Lost – The state of not knowing God, and consequently not being saved. Christians have a heart for the lost and seek them because God seeks to love all of us.  


The Fall of Man – This refers to when Adam and Eve chose their own path and ate the forbidden fruit from the tree in the garden. The ‘Fall’ simply means they rebelled against God and caused sin to enter the world, separating us from Him.  


Satan – A fallen angel that was cast from heaven because he rebelled against God (created sin). Satan is real, not a myth. He promises earthly pleasure or rewards, but keeps you from fully experiencing true joy, peace and hope that Jesus offers.  Satan strives to keep you from God.  


Sin (Sinner) – Rebellion against God or independence from God. Yep, we’re all sinners. All of us. Sin causes death (not going to heaven) if you don’t accept the forgiveness from Jesus as your Savior.  


Savior – Jesus Christ. He paid the price for sin through his death on the cross (sacrifice) and set us right again with God so we can go to Heaven.


Holy – Set apart from sin or being in the perfection of God. Because God is Holy, He can’t be in the presence of sin in His kingdom.  


Salvation – A term that describes God’s rescue plan for us out of sin and eternal death. Salvation comes through the gift of Jesus and it’s how we’re reconciled back to God and into heaven. To accept Jesus in your life is to gain salvation.  


RedeemedTo be brought out of sin and back into forgiveness through Jesus.  


Grace – Forgiveness of any sin from God.  


Believer – Someone that believes Jesus is God and has accepted Him as their Savior.  


Born-again – To accept Jesus as your savior and receive a spiritual “rebirth” from the Holy Spirit. Since humans are all born sinners by nature, to be born again through the acceptance of Jesus as your savior, is to get a new heart with new desires that coincide with God’s plan for you.  


Baptism – Can mean different things in different denominations. In general, it is the act of publically declaring your acceptance of Jesus as your Savior to others. Baptism is not, in itself how a person is saved, but rather an outwardly profession of faith in Christ.  


Communion – Is an act of remembering Jesus and the price he paid for us. The bread symbolizes the his broken body on the cross dying for our sins. The wine represents his blood that covered the cost of our sin (his self sacrifice). Yeah, sounds super-churchy weird... But when you understand the story, the act of communion as a reflection of this gift makes sense in context. It's simply a way, we quietly reflect on Jesus’ victory over death and thank Him for our salvation.  


Tithe (and offerings) – Tithe literally means a tenth. It’s a guide for giving the first 10% of your income to the church to help others in need and further reach people with the message of God. Tithing is not a rule or requirement. Offering just means monies given in any amount. All tithes and/or offerings come from a person’s free will and are an act of individual worship and gratitude, never required for salvation.  


Worship – Showing your love and devotion to God. Often this term is used to describe the musical part of church when people sing songs.   


Fellowship – Simply means a time to enjoy each others company, like you would do in your own home.


Scriptures – The 66 books of the Bible.  


Gospel – Literally means “good news.” The gospels are the specific stories of Jesus’ life, His death and resurrection. There are four gospels written from four different perspectives by the authors, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John — which comprise the first four books of the New Testament.


Disciple – Someone that follows Jesus’ teachings.  


Pastor – A person who teaches and a spiritual overseer of a church congregation. A pastor literally means “a shepherd,” a metaphoric description of one who cares for and leads God’s flock.  


Elders – A mature believer with spiritual supervision and ministry within the church.  


Ministry – How a Christian uses their talents or time to serve others or spread the word of God.  


Denomination — A group of believers who are formally organized along a common structure built around shared practices or beliefs within Christianity. In a nutshell, different denominations may do things a little differently, but the core of Christian belief of Jesus is our Savior, our Lord, and best friend, stays the same. 


Non-denominational – Refers to a church that doesn’t belong to a formally organized group.




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